Sister Gittins

Sister Gittins

Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 53 Birthday Zone Conference! Elder Snow of the Seventy

This week was good! We helped some people move. We had fun with some Family History and were able to find a ton of information for Sister Carrolls tree. We also had Zone Conference this week! A member of the 70 came. Elder Snow and his wife. He is also the church Historian, so that was pretty cool! Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me so that was fun! Elder Snow made us all prepare a 5 minute talk on faith and then he randomly chose people to talk. Sister Carroll got called and did such a great job! :) Then that night we went on trade-offs in Kalamazoo. We went to Coldstone for my birthday with the Zone leaders and my old District leader Elder Bourgous and his greenie. That was great!  We talked to people on campus the next day and I got fried because it was 90 degrees outside. 
We saw Rolfe this week he is doing great! Our lesson went really well and we committed him to living the word of wisdom for a week! So we will see how that goes. 
Saturday we had a couple lessons with some recent converts and less actives. Then we weekly planned. We had dinner at a members home. We enjoyed the Relief Society activity. They have a dessert competition every women's session and who ever wins gets a golden spatula. They needed judges so who did they choose?? us! I have never been so sugared out in my life. But they were all super good so no complaints. Afterwards we watched the Women's session which was so good! I absolutely loved it! :) 
Love yalls! 
Love, Sister Gittins 
Sister Merriman and Sister Gittins

 SVHS friends

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 52 Always an Adventure!

This week was pretty great for an eternal week! We dropped Sister Nording off in Kalamazoo at 8 in the morning and I picked up Sister Carroll. She is from Gilbert Arizona and has been out for 8 months. She is pretty great! 
     Tuesday we went and helped our friend Joyce. We went and dusted her house and vacuumed for her. She is such a cute lady. After that we met with Lois she is doing great! We think she will get baptized as soon as she can put pressure on her foot!  
We saw Rolfe this week He is doing pretty good. Other than he thinks that Joseph Smith made up the Word of Wisdom. So we will have to work on that with him. 
    On Wednesday we went and helped with Family History. It was a ton of fun. The lady I was working with found out that she is related to the Beach Boys. So she was super excited about that. 
We had a Relief Society activity this week it was speed friend shopping and was a blast. We got to know a lot of members so that was really good. 
    Friday we had kind of a crazy day! We had to take our car into the dealership to get a recall done on it. Then we went to the Carousel and volunteered there. We weekly planned. And then got a call from our mission president saying they were in town and wanted to see us. So we hurried and cleaned our apartment a bit. I had made crepes that morning and the cord on the blender was super sticky so i wiped it off really good ( or so I thought ) And then plugged it in. So then we get home and are hurrying to clean the apartment cause the Brennan's were coming to visit. And the blender wouldn't unplug. So we are sitting there yanking on it. And finally we get it out but the prong falls off and gets stuck in the outlet. So we turn off the breaker and then get tweezers and are trying to yank it out but it wont come at all!!! And we are like OH NO, what do we do the Brennan's are coming. And I just broke the blender. and outlet. So I was like where is my daddy when I need him! So then we texted a member and they came and helped us right after the Brennan's left! So that was good! :) 
      Saturday we saw Sister Cox she is such a sweet lady. And then we had a ward BBQ which was a blast. Then we went and helped some members who are moving to Oregon. 
   I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve the lord. I have loved my mission so far. And I love the people here in Michigan! 
Hope you all have a great week! 

Love, Sister Gittins 



Saturday, September 9, 2017

Week 51 Transfer Time Again

This week was pretty eventful! I got to see my friend Rachael on Monday! She took us to Silver Beach Pizza! It was so fun to see her and her cute kiddos!!! :) 
         On Tuesday we went and saw Lois she is doing pretty good and is recovering from her foot surgery. We also saw Sister Paten man is she a talker but we sure love her! Then we door knocked a little bit and talked to some cool people. 
           Wednesday we had our last District meeting of the transfer it was super good we talked about the Book of Mormon. Then we went to Taco Bell for lunch because the Elders wanted to. haha 
We also went and saw Carol and Margaret two of our investigators. They are both older ladies who we go and share scriptures with and serve. Then we door knocked in the rain for a while and got drenched so that was kinda fun! After that one of our investigators Rolfe took us to Papa Vinnos this super fancy Italian restaurant. We got there first and the lady sat us down and then took away the wine glasses apparently we don't look like we were 21. ;)  He ordered us squid as an appetizer. It wasn't as bad tasting as I thought it was going to be. 
              Thursday we had a lesson with Joe and Beth and then we Door knocked for a while and we met a lady who was at the funeral we served at a few weeks ago. She remembered us and was super sweet! Then we went and stopped by a potentials home, Her name is Dorris,  she is 91 and loves missionaries! She is such a cutie! The first time we met her she told us how much she loved us! And invited us right in. Her friend was a member and the missionaries would go over and help her a lot before she passed away! She has a ton of antiques that she loved to show us! She has the bed that is on Polyanna and some other movies. She also has a big wooden chest from China that has gorgeous engravings in it of boats and the sea. She told us the story about it and we were kinda creeped out. Apparently a preacher went over to China and started a church there and had quite a lot of members.  One day these Chinese people brought 3 of these large chest's into the church and gave them to the pastor, and then left. The Pastor then opened them up and they had the heads of the members of his church in them! So he and his family left the heads in China and fled! 
    Friday we weekly planned while we waited for our transfer calls. Sister Nording is going to Cadillac and I am getting Sister Carroll! I am excited! Then we went to Jimmy Johns for lunch and then volunteered at the Carousel. we had dinner with our ward mission leaders family and then went and saw the Lawrence's and read the Book of Mormon with them! 
I am excited for the change but I am sure going to miss Sister Nording! Hope you all have a great week! 
Love, Sister Gittins 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 50 More Adventures! 25 Weeks to go!

This week was good! We finally got to see a less active who we have been trying to see for a while. She is an older lady and has some health problems. She is super sweet! We also went door knocking by her house and met a ton of Seventh Day Adventists. It was like a Mormon Utah for Seventh Day Adventists. Then we went and helped with Family History which was a ton of fun! 
We volunteered at the Carousel this week! And that was a ton of fun! :) It is so fun to see lots of little kids!
Our Investigators are doing pretty good! We have been having a hard time getting in contact with one of them. John and Sarah but yesterday we stopped by and they were home. So we were able to talk with them and answer some of their questions. 
We also went to a baptism yesterday for a little girl named Rory in our ward. She was so excited to get baptized. :) It was such a special day for her. 
I am so grateful for the gospel and for the truth that we have! I love being able to share it with everyone. And help them realize the blessings that come from living it! 
Love and miss you all! 
Love, Sister Gittins