Sister Gittins

Sister Gittins

Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 40 Fireflies, Berries and Butterflies!

This week was super slow but fun! We went finding a lot and met some cool people! Our new mission president gets here on the 1st so that should be exciting! We also saw tons of fireflies this week. Sister Cottle had never seen one so she was super excited about that. Also Sister Cottle and Sister Stevenson and Elder Stevensons Birthdays are this week so that should be fun! :) I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be on a mission. I love being able to serve the lord and bring his lost sheep back home. I am so grateful for this gospel and the blessings it brings to all who are obedient and diligent! Keep on going. No matter how hard it is, cling to the iron rod! 1 Nephi 8:24-25 and 30
Love you all!
Love, Sister Gittins 

A Picture from a previous week.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Week 39 Flower Dresses for Days!

Not a lot happened this week. We ran into the elders at the mall on Monday and that was pretty fun! On Tuesday I played the piano for the Jacobsen's farewell.(Mission President) We are sure going to miss them! We had a lesson with Gill and he said he wanted to take a break for a few weeks. We had our Book of Mormon class and that was a lot of fun. We had a district lunch at the Stevenson's on Wednesday and that was a blast. We also had to drop Kevin and Linda on Wednesday cause they just weren't willing to commit. We were really sad about that. So we have lots of Door knocking ahead of us. But that should be fun! :) The elders in our branch got shut down because of the lack of Elders in our mission so we were super sad about that! The Elders were super sad about it! But hey we get all their food and Ensigns. haha Anyways I hope you all have a great rest of your week! 
Love and miss you all! 
Love, Sister Gittins 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Week 38 Afro Life! Humidity Hair

Hello Everyone,
This week was pretty good! We had our Zone Pday last Monday and it was a blast! We had a BBQ and then played some water games. It was fun to see other missionaries! 
This week we did lots of door knocking in Ionia which was fun. It is cool cause Ionia hasn't been doorknocked in a while so the people there are super nice. So that is always a bonus! 
Tuesday night we started a Book of Mormon class at the church and two people came plus the elders. Sister Riker a less-active member came and Sheila the Elders transgender investigator who just moved to Lansing came. She is going to move to Utah soon though so that should be interesting. 

This week we were able to see some really awesome miracles. Gill one of our investigators finally told us his concern of being baptized. He doesn't want to be a hypocrite. It was super cool though cause me and Sister Cottle didn't know what to say so I just started talking. And I don't even remember what I said in that lesson. It was totally the Lord speaking not me. It was awesome! :)
Thursday we went with the Stevensons and picked up an 85 year old less active named Brother Urie who grew up in Portland all his life and went on a tour and got Ice cream! It was super fun! He told us stories about where he grew up and he showed us a house he had built. And we got ice cream out of it too! :) 
Friday we went with the Stevensons to see some less-actives that live far-out on the borders of our boundaries, the Simons and the Dollarhites. The Simons are very spiritual and are reading the Book of Mormon everyday, but they flat-out refuse to come to church.They had a really bad experience at our building a couple years ago.  But Elder Stevenson always makes it clear they're invited :) The Dollarhites were supposed to come to church yesterday with Janie. But they didn't :( 

Saturday we finished Laffayette and got 2 potentials! We also met some people who are so close to being ready!! Next time the missionaries stop by I'm sure they'll accept it :) We had some good conversations and it was very very very very hot. 90% humidity + 88 degrees = hot. Apparently it's even been dry lately....

So this is Elder Hansen's last week on the mission, and he is getting super trunky! And yesterday's Sunday School lesson did not help: Eternal Marriage. Good times had by the missionaries... Also one of the Branch members named Larry McMillan got married on Tuesday and we had cake for them after church.
I made Sister Cottle wander threw the Cemetery with me yesterday and it was so cool cause some of the people fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War! :0
Also I gave up on my hair and just started afroing it! :)

I am doing good and Having a blast here in Portland :) 
Love you all Have a great week! 
LOVE, Sister Gittins
P.S. I hope you enjoy all the pics! :) 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Week 37 Zone Conference

Well not a lot has happened this week! We had Zone Conference which was super good! I learned a lot and really enjoyed seeing other missionaries I hadn't seen in a while. Portland is good! And I am doing great! We got a new potential this week she is super cool! We also got a new investigator his name is Dave and he died and then came back alive a year ago and has been searching for the church that believes the things he saw. So that is cool! Well have a great week yalls! Love you!
Love, Sister Gittins