Sister Gittins

Sister Gittins

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Week 27 Transfer Calls and Lamb of God

This week was pretty good! I was super sick all week so we didn't get much work done. But I am feeling better. But we worked lots yesterday and it was fun. We also had our transfer calls yesterday I am staying in Kalamazoo and Sister Knight is my new companion. I am really excited about that, she is super sweet. It was in the 70's yesterday so we were dying of heat. I think I got a little sunburned.  We also went to the Lamb of God which is this really awesome performance put on by members of 50 different churches. And it tells of the last week of Jesus's life through singing and orchestra. The lady that directs it and brought it to Kalamazoo is Mormon. So she gave all of the missionaries free tickets. It was weird because we couldn't wear our tags because they didn't want everyone thinking we were there to proselyte. But there were a ton of missionaries there it was so fun but so weird to see everyone without tags on. President and Sister Jacobsen were there so it was good to see them. The performance was so beautiful though I really enjoyed it. One of the members in our ward was one of the main singers and she did so good. She has an amazing voice. Also Rachael is getting baptized today and I am so excited for her. She is truly converted to the Gospel. We had a lesson with her and she bore her testimony to us and the spirit was so strong. She also told us that her first fast and testimony meeting was where she really knew the church was true. So don't be scared to bear your testimony. Because you never know who needs to hear it. And who it might help! :) Love you all enjoy conference this week! 
                                                    Love, Sister Gittins 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 26 6 Months Down!

This week was really great! We had a zone conference in Grand Rapids and that was super neat. I learned a ton. After that we had a Relief Society Birthday Party that me and Sister Vera sang in. So that was really fun! We also had some great lessons with Rachael this week. She is so awesome she truly has been converted to the Gospel. And I am so excited about her baptism on Saturday! :) Me and Sister Vera are going to try to sing at it! :) We also are going to Lamb of God this week it is a musical put on by over 50 different congregations in the Kalamazoo and Portage areas. It is about the last week of Christ's life told by soloists and instrumentalists. So we are super excited about that. A lady in the first ward brought it to Kalamazoo and now it is the only thing people talk about. Half of our ward is in it so we are super excited to go and see it. Transfers are next week so I am excited to see who my new companion is! Or if I will get transferred I don't think I will but you never know! I hope not because I will really miss Kalamazoo 2. Anyways Love you all! Hope you have a great week! 
 Love, Sister Gittins

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 25 Baptism

This week was awesome! David got Baptized on Saturday and then confirmed on Sunday. We went door knocking lots and met some really cool people. It started snowing again today! :( But that's okay winter is almost over! :) This week we are super busy we have zone conference and a Relief Society activity. Lots of fun things going on. Transfers are in 2 weeks and I will probably stay here in Kalamazoo and get a new comp. So that is exciting. Anyways I hope you all are having a great week so far. Love you all lots!   Love, Sister Gittins

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 24 Teaching and Coats again!

This week was a really good one we went to Loaves and Fishes and helped out there. We had a lot of really good lessons. And we picked up a new investigator named David. We are teaching his sister in law and he wants to learn more too, so that was really cool. We also had a really great lesson with Abigale and her kids and got them back on track to be baptized in a couple weeks. So that was great. We did a lot of door knocking this week and found some really cool people to teach so that was awesome. Well I hope you all have a great week. Love you all! 

                                     - Love Sister Gittins