Sister Gittins

Sister Gittins

Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 31 Stake Conference

This week was a great one. We had Zone Conference in Grand Rapids. And it was so uplifting and good. They talked a lot about how having a good attitude affects so much of what we do, and how others see us. We also found out at Zone Conference that the Michigan Lansing Mission was the top Baptizing mission in the NE for the month of March. So we got first out of 26 missions them being all of the Eastern states/missions. We were all so happy! Hard work sure pays off. We also had blitzes so I was able to work with Sister Burk on Thursday it was super fun. We had Stake Conference this week. It was super good and uplifting. President and Sister Jacobsen spoke at the adult session and it was so good.  As Sister Jacobsen sat down and as President Jacobsen was getting up all of the missionaries all 36 of us in the Kzoo zone. Got up and started humming Called to Serve as they walked to the front. No one told US about it so we just got up and acted like we knew what was going on. haha Sister Knight didn't even have her shoes on so she had to throw them on. After we all got to the front we sang Called to Serve it was so cool. And then we stated the missionary purpose. President Jacobsens talk was so good, he told everyone he sent the best missionaries to Kalamazoo and that they needed to put us to work. He also talked a lot about member referrals. Missionaries will baptized 700 out of a 1000 member referrals. Where as door knocking is a lot less than that. So invite your friends who aren't members to learn more about the restored gospel. After President Jacobsen spoke our Stake President spoke and he invited his friend who is a pastor at 2 different churches to speak. His friend told us all that we needed to do as President Jacobsen said and invite our friends and family to learn about the unique message we share. It was super good! I have never been told by a pastor to keep sharing the message we have. As the Pastor was going to sit down President Jacobsen ran up to him and gave him a big hug. It was so funny! Anyways I am doing good and am still enjoying Kalamazoo. I hope you all have a great week! 
Love, Sister Gittins 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Week 30 Easter

This week was pretty great! We picked up a new investigator on the bus. He is from Mali Africa and has a super cool accent. We rode the bus a lot this week because we didn't have a car. We also did lots of service at Loaves and Fishes and then we did yard work for an investigator, it was lots of fun. We got some pretty good blisters from working super hard. :) On Saturday Sister hunt took us to Lansing for a baptism of someone Sister Knight had taught. After Sister Hunt took us to a Mexican restaurant it was super good. She is a sweetheart. Easter was super fun. It has been super fun to hand out Easter cards. I have learned a lot this Easter about the Savior and all that he has done for each of us. I truly am so grateful for him and for his atoning sacrifice for us so that we can all live again. It has been super warm this week so that has been quite fun. 
Love you all! 
Love, Sister Gittins 

        I don't know what it is but I have seen several other Missionaries post pics with dead animals:0
      Or maybe Rusty the Raccoon is just in a deep sleep!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 29 Door Knocking

​We had a great week this week. We met these really cool people who's son joined the church in college and then went on a mission to France. They were so supportive of him and his decision to join the church and go on a mission. They know a lot about the church but aren't willing to leave the Protestant religion. They are so cool though, they have watched General Conference multiple times and enjoyed it. But how can you not know that the church is true after you watch General Conference. I mean it's General Conference for Pete's sake how can you not know the church is true from that? Anyways I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve a mission. It truly has blessed my life in so many ways. And I love the opportunity to serve those around me. We also door knocked on some really old houses this week from the 1800's so I hope you enjoy the pics. :) Love you all, 
Love Sister Gittins 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 28 Rachael's Baptism

This week was a really great and busy week. Rachael got Baptized on Saturday and that was such an awesome experience! She was so excited and so happy to get baptized. She got confirmed the following Sunday and received such an awesome blessing. She told us a few days ago that there is a huge difference in her life since now she has the Holy Ghost. She is now teaching her Foster kids about the Gospel. Her oldest one who is 8 struggles with ADHD and a lot of other mental problems. She said he can never focus and that he doesn't get things out of just reading. But she said when she read him the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith that he was involved and asked questions which he normally doesn't do. She said it was so cool to see the change that came from reading the Book of Mormon. So she is doing so great. Hopefully we can get her to the temple soon! :) 
Sister Vera left last Monday and so I got a new comp. Sister Knight she is pretty cool. She went to USU before her mission and she is from Farmington Ut.
On Friday we wen't and picked up a brand new car in Lansing it is super nice we love it lots. It was so fun to see all of the couple missionaries in the mission office. We also door knocked a lot this week cause we don't have any investigators right now. So that was pretty fun! We met one lady who told us that we were brainwashed and that we couldn't talk to certain people and that we didn't know who Jesus was. And that we needed to get away from all of this and get in our right minds. To me it is just so sad to see how much anti is out there and how people really believe it.  I just think it is sad all of these people claim to follow Jesus Christ and go to church and be good christian people. And then they slam there door on our faces and tell us we are wrong. Like if you are really following Jesus Christ you wouldn't do that! Anyways Love and miss you All! Hope you all have a great week! 
Love Sister Gittins! 

 New Companion Sister Knight