Sister Gittins

Sister Gittins

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Week 36 Trade Offs

This week was good! We helped a less active member with yard work. We had lots of lessons. Stopped by some former investigators. Helped with some more yard work. Went and practiced at the church because I am playing at Zone Conference. And then we picked some songs for Sacrament meeting. Went to one of our investigators named Gills house for a memorial day cook out. It was super fun and good! His mom was there and we are going to start teaching her. On Sunday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting about service. It went really well. We had dinner with Sister Reeves on Sunday that was good. Monday we cleaned our apartment and redecorated it cause it had super old pictures! Then Monday night we drove to Lansing for trade offs. I stayed on Campus with Sister Alloy and Sister Fletcher and Sister Cottle came back to Portland. Campus was super fun! I got to meet lots of cool people. And Sister Alloy bought me ice cream after so that was fun! :) Today we got our oil changed and we pulled our car in and the guy changing our oil said.... "Man this car is braaaaaand new!" #missionaryvehicles 
Zone Conference is tomorrow and I am so excited to see everyone! 
Have a great week yalls! Love and miss you lots!

Love, Sister Gittins! 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 35 Share the Gospel!

Hey everyone! I am doing great and am still loving Portland! This week was pretty good! We had lots of lessons and visited a lot of less actives.
On Tuesday we found out that one of our investigators Gill is struggling with Joseph Smith and how he translated the Book of Mormon. So we are going to talk about that tonight in our lesson with him. He came to church yesterday and really liked it. He also brought his mom to church and so we are going to start teaching her too! :)

On Wednesday we met with Kevin and Linda and promised them lots of blessings so hopefully they will continue to read the Book of Mormon and come to church.

On Thursday we had a lesson with Patty one of our investigators. And it was probably one of the saddest lessons I have ever been in! She had a friend from Colorado there with her. And her friend anti-ed us contentiously. She kept trying to stump us and catch us in what we were saying. Patty was so confused. We had planned to do the Restoration with her again anyway, and she loves music so we decided to sing to her Joseph Smith's First Vision. We did so. The Spirit was so strong, it took her friend a whole 30 seconds to say something. But that didn't keep Patty from dropping us. We were both so sad afterwords! 

I am so grateful for the gospel! I know that it is true with all my heart! I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God! And I know that because of him we have the truth again on the earth today. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the power it brings into my life daily. I am so grateful to have a prophet on the earth today. And for the council he gives us. I know that as we listen to his words and then act on them we will be blessed! 
This week my invitation to everyone is to share the gospel with someone. I know that as you do so and as you pray for missionary opportunities you and your families will be blessed! 
Love you all!
Love, Sister Gittins
Oh I also got to see Sister Merriman! :) 


Monday, May 15, 2017

Week 34 Portland-City of Two Rivers

This week was really good! I am loving Portland! It has been hard though going from a huge ward to a tiny tiny branch! But it is fun! Yesterday they told me that I was going to be the branch organist and pianist because I am the only one who can play the piano. So I am a little nervous about that! Portland is super pretty though we are in the middle of nowhere! There are lots of fields and cows here. We are teaching a lot of people right now. And visiting a lot of less active members. One of the less actives we went and saw has a cat and that cat ate my planner. haha so I made a new one. :) The mosquitoes here are terrible because we have so much water around us! Portland is the city of 2 rivers so the mosquitoes are out 24/7. It is no fun! Anyways I am doing great! And have been learning a lot here. Sister Cottle is great she is pretty new to the area too, so hopefully we can figure things out together! :) Love you all!
                                                        Love, Sister Gittins 

Mom Notes:  Skyping with Hayli was so awesome! She told of how her new apartment hadn't been vacuumed for 8 months because the vacuum was broken.  She fixed that vacuum and got it done!  She also hauled several large garbage bags of trash out.  She has always been such a good cleaning gal!  She was also thrilled at her Dr. Appt. to measure 5 feet 4 inches instead of the 5 foot 3 inches she has been since 2010!  She is learning so much!  And she loves the gospel.

 She sees random turtles on the roads
 This duck followed her and her new Companion Sister Cottle.  She sent a cute little video
of it following them down the road it was so sweet!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week 33 Transfer Time

This week was a good one. We had a couple of lessons.  We went to Loaves and Fishes and door knocked lots. On Thursday we got to go up to Whitehall Michigan for a Dr's appointment, so we stopped on the way home in Grand Haven and Holland. We got some beautiful pictures. But as luck has it I forgot my camera at our apartment. So I stole some of Sister Knights pics so we are all good. lol :( Anyways we had Transfer calls on Friday morning and I am going to Portland Mi. on Monday morning. My new companion is Sister Cottle she came out with me so I am super excited about that. :) I am sad to be leaving Kalamazoo. I have learned so much here and have grown a ton. I will miss all of the members here. But I am excited to meet new ones. And I am also excited to meet new missionaries. Anyways I am doing good! Love and miss you all! I hope you have a great week! :)

                                                                    Love, Sister Gittins 

 Above Photos are before transfer to Portland:)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 32 Greener than Green

This week was a super good week! On Monday we had District Pday it was fun. We went bowling with the Elders and then played Wackee Six and got ice cream after. On Tuesday we went to Battle Creek for interviews. Wednesday we door knocked a lot then we went and helped some members move. They are moving to Lehi. Thursday we rode the bus around and had a really good conversation with one of the bus drivers. He calls us sister soldiers he is funny. Friday we door knocked a lot went to Loaves and Fishes and then went to an asian buffet with a member for dinner. Saturday was our miracle day. Me and Sister Knight felt like we really needed to go and door knock a certain street. I had already door knocked that street during Christmas but knew we needed to go there. We did and one of the ladies I had talked to in December let us in and we had a lesson with her. She had lots of questions so we were able to answer them for her. It was super cool! We are meeting with her again tomorrow and are super excited. :) Yesterday we door knocked went to church and then had dinner with some members. It was fun. We also visited some less actives who were nice. Anyways love you all! Have a good week. 

                                                                                Love, Sister Gittins