Sister Gittins

Sister Gittins

Friday, September 30, 2016

Week one email

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 3:31 PM
Sister Bayles in the Chevron skirt got to sing in the General Conference MTC choir!

First Companion Sister MacArthur

Sister Tyler from Smithfield also headed 
                                              to LANSING!

Hey Everyone, 
I don't have a ton of time to email but i will try to get in everything! The MTC has been so awesome I absolutely LOVE IT!!! My district is so AMAZING as well as the girls in my room which are in my district as well. Sister MacArthur (my comp she is so awesome and is such a blessing in my life) Sister Bayles (her name is Hailey too and she is super energetic) , Sister Cottle (She is super quiet but sweet)  Sister Newby (no one in her family is LDS so in my books she is AMAZING, She would take her little sister to church with her every Sunday by herself!) and Sister Wofendin (She is shy but sweet)  They are so amazing and help me in so many ways. The boys in out district are Elder... Durtschi ,Morrow, Peterson, Larocco, Greding and Rockhill. They are such great Elders! The first few days at the MTC were pretty hard! But through prayer I got threw it. And with the sisters help we all helped each other get through the first couple days. The food here is okay not my favorite but the salads are awesome! I saw Sister Brooksby and got a pic with her but its on her camera I didn't have mine she sent it to her mom though :) I absolutely love seeing her around! Sunday was crazier than I thought it would be! We were running from class to class still and had no time to do anything) But it was good and church was amazing, you only have sacrament and relief society with your zone so there was only 30ish of us. On Monday we taught an investigator and it went okay but we felt like we could have done better so I got a little discouraged. A little homesickness set in. I asked the Elders for a blessing. (They had brought up how the would give us blessing whenever we needed them so many times that I thought I should stop the begging and just let them!) haha Anyways I can testify of the Power of the Priesthood! That was one of THEE most AMAZING Blessings I have ever received. Elder Durtschi did the anointing and then I had Elder Rockhill give me the blessing cause he's our district leader  (he is so sweet and caring to everyone.) Anyways as soon as the 6 Elders laid there hands on my head I felt such power and peace it was so wonderful. I know that they are called of God and are worthy to hold the priesthood! He said EXACTLY word for word what I needed to hear! He even bore his testimony about it after and said " it definitely wasn't me that said those words." He also talked about how awesome it had been for him to give me a blessing and how he felt the spirit so strongly. On Tuesday so yesterday we taught the same investigator and it was so so so AMAZING we were prompted to do so many things and it went so well! I have seen so many blessings and miracles in the MTC so far! We went to the temple today and did Endowments it was so awesome! Before we did our district went and ate breakfast in the temple cafeteria it was SO SO SO GOOD! Way better than the cafeteria food here and it was good for a change. I may or may not have gotten a piece of peach Pie for Breakfast. haha  Another cool experience happened today while in the temple. Some of us sisters were out in the foyer waiting for the Elders to come so we could all walk back together and we were waiting for another sister at the same time. Well the other Sister Sister Woffendin came out with a Lady and introduced her (I cant remember her name) and said she and her husband were the Mission Presidents of the Lansing Michigan Mission 8 years ago. They are from Heber. But it was so neat that we were there at the same exact time definitely not a coincidence. Sister Woffendin told us the story and said she was in the bathroom and the lady had asked her where are you going on your mission. Sister Woffendin said as soon as she said Lansing the lady started crying and then told her about being mission presidents there. It was so neat, She told us all about Michigan and how we were going at the most beautiful time she said the trees don't change till October so when we get there it will be GORGEOUS! Also you should send my Come thou Fount on the piano and any other music that would be awesome to play. My foot is doing a little better right now i kinda fell down the stairs though and twisted it yesterday which made it hurt worse. But its okay! I still cant believe its been a week its gone by so fast! well at least its gone fast since Sunday. I was sick last night. I am feeling a little better today. I saw Sister Harold from school she just got here today and so I helped her carry her bags up she's lucky cause she's on the 3rd floor we are on the 4th of every building! But that's okay, I don't mind it but going up and down stairs all day is not that great on my foot so me and my comp usually take the elevator which is only supposed to be used for sick or injured missionaries which is me! :) haha  Also THANK YOU So much for the Food! I get so hungry at night cause we usually eat diner at 5 ish and most the time i don't eat a lot cause its not my fav. haha Also Tell everyone thanks for all the letters I will try to find time to write them all back. :) Love You LOTS!!!

Love Sister Gittins :) 

Monday, September 26, 2016

2 emails first week!

We dropped her off at 12:45pm on September 21, and at 1:34pm we received an email.....

Hey Guys I am doing so great! Everyone was so awesome to help and I am loving it! I have seen a couple of people from school.  Elder Spring, the one we saw at the temple one time is here and he was super nice!
Love You All!!!
Love, Hayli

And then on Friday as I sat in a class at the Salt Palace, I went to check my phone and YIPPEEE! Another email from my sweet Sister Gittins.  It read...
Thanks I love you guys too! I am doing great! My Companion is Sister McArthur she's a sweet heart. And I just love her! I have 5 girls in my room and all of us are going to Lansing Michigan, so its super fun! My P days are on Wed So that is when I should be emailing you next. We are so busy here we always have somewhere to be and something to do. It's so crazy! I loved getting your letter it made me happy! Hopefully I will have time to write you back in a letter. Love you guys lots and hope you are all doing well! My foot is doing okay it hurts at night a little but but thats okay! I am seeing quite a few boys I graduated with and am still trying to get used to calling them Elder and then their last names.  haha Anyways love you all and hope you are all doing okay. P.S. send me treats I get so hungry at night haha. And pray for me cause I need all the help I can get! Love you All!
                                                                               Love, Sister Gittins

MTC here we come!

 I know I know its a lot of pictures but this is gonna be printed as a scrapbook later so I want it to be complete. Wow this day has to go down as one of my hardest days.  I cannot even begin to Fathom how quickly kids grow and move on to new things.  What will I do without this sweet girl? She carries me.  She is so capable and willing to SERVE. She always helped me so much and was such a happy light in our home. The 19 years flew by now I just hope the 18 Months do also. I will miss her!

 Best of Friends!

Morgan asked "Who will give me fashion advice now?"  AHH! SISTERS
 The teasing between these 2, I may miss it or then again maybe not!

 And off she goes....

 Late night talks and laughter between these two is gonna be a huge void!
 The Brick Oven!
 Daddy's Girl!

Extraordinary 19th Birthday and Farewell pics!

Little Morrells
 Hayli turned 19 on September 20th. We had many friends and family stop in and we celebrated her Birthday with family that evening. We enjoyed Cake and Ice Cream but not the SEE YA LATER TEARS!!!
Callie and Wes
Haven and Berlin
Grandpa Val and
Grandma Ann
Jaelin and Barbara

Travis Joni Natasha
Carissa and Zachary
Chase and Crystal and
the Morrell bunch

Aidens kisses!
 At 8:15 we met at the Stake Center for Hayli to be set apart as a MISSIONARY of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Stake President gave her a beautiful blessing that made me feel of Heavenly Fathers love for her and the knowledge that he knows her personally.  Crystal and Barbara and Grandpa and Grandma Hoth joined our family there. It was amazing the change that came over Hayli after that.  She was ready to go and so Happy!
This brace is on its way
to MICHIGAN! Cute toes
and all!
The Farewell Luncheon!
Grandma Ruth
93 years young!
A Sweet Sister from Lewiston made these towels for Hayli
The Bartholemew's brought them over! It was neat surprise!


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cleared Hurray! Feeling Blessed!

We went to the foot Doctor yesterday and he cleared Hayli to leave in 2 weeks as planned.
She has a new brace to replace the boot.  She will be speaking in the Hyde Park 5th Ward this Sunday at 1:00.  We are grateful the break was not worse and that she can be on her way. Two weeks is such a short time. And then she can begin her 72 weeks of Missionary work:)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bad Timing!

During our annual Hoth Family Reunion the raft flipped! The day was August 3.
Hayli had a bruise on the top of her foot but continued working 2 jobs for a month!
 Finally on September 1, her foot began to swell much worse. The first visit to the Logan Instacare sent us for an Ultrasound with Dr. suspecting Blood Clot. They didn't do an X-Ray which was why we went in and the Ultrasound was Negative for blood clot.

The Next day Hayli and Mom both felt strongly that it was broken. 
We went to the Hyde Park Instacare and received an X-Ray. The Doctor came back with the results saying it wasn't fractured.  Mom was beside herself because of lack of answers. Before we pulled into the garage the phone rang.  The radiologist found the fracture. 
So as of today September 4, 2016 with a date of entering the MTC on Sept 21 and a farewell planned for one week from today, we wait for the Doctor appt. on Wednesday to see if this mission will be on hold or move forward in a boot!